Truck & Bus Learning System

Cookie Policy

imc Learning Suite uses cookies to guarantee an optimal user experience.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, tablet or smartphone). When accessing a website, cookies stored there are read in order to retrieve information previously stored there.

Why are cookies essential for IMC’s websites?

Cookies are used to personalize and simplify your use of the imc Learning Suite. For example, cookies allow you to navigate within the imc Learning Suite and adapt the content to your needs. Without the use of cookies, we could not ensure that the imc Learning Suite works smoothly and that your user experience is as we would like it to be.

Types of cookies

We use two types of cookies in the imc Learning Suite:

Session cookies are temporary cookies that only exist for the length of your visit to the imc Learning Suite (more precisely, until you close the browser after visiting the imc Learning Suite). Session cookies store the decisions you made during the session so you don't have to re-enter this information.

Persistent cookies are stored on your device for an extended period of time, including after your session has ended. Persistent cookies help us to identify you as an individual visitor.

Purpose of cookies

The imc Learning Suite only uses those cookies without which the proper use of the imc Learning Suite would not be possible or only with considerable restrictions. The legal basis for these mandatory cookies is therefore Art. 6 (1) (1) (f) of the GDPR. The legitimate interest lies in the proper implementation of the imc Learning Suite, as you would expect it as a user.

Essential cookies

Cookie name Provider Purpose Expiry
Cookie name acceptPolicy Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is used to store that the user has been informed about the use of cookies on this system. Expiry 1 year
Cookie name ARRAzureWebFarm Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is used in the Microsoft Azure environment to ensure correct routing to the application server. Expiry Expires at the end of the session.
Cookie name de.imc.ila.cache.COURSE_UPDATE Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie specifies how long data is cached in the course room of the LMS. Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ILA_CURRENT_COURSE_MEDIA Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is saved to remember the media most recently used. This allows the user to pick up where they left off when reopening a course, by automatically expanding the folder with the medium that was last edited. Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ILA_LOGOUT Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is stored in order to indicate the user has logged out. Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ILA_USER_PROFILE_UPDATE Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie discloses the date the user profile was changed for different parts of the LMS application. Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ILAAUTH Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie contains user object information (e.g. first name/last name) for display purposes on the application and to restore user settings. Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ILALANG Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is used to save the language chosen by the user. Expiry 1 year
Cookie name ILAOAUTH Provider imc AG Purpose This cookie is used to authenticate and verify the user ( Expiry 45 minutes
Cookie name ilp_JSESSIONID Provider imc AG Purpose